He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. Luke 1:49
Do you believe this?
What if this Christmas Season we were to take every opportunity the Lord gives us to share our personal testimony with someone else about all the “great things” He has done for us? For most of us this is a little out of our comfort zone or perhaps it may seem daunting. Or perhaps truth be told, we feel the not so great things out number the “great things” God may be doing in our lives.
Pain, heartache, hardship, and suffering are real even for believers. They are part of our fallen world. However, our redemption is in the cross and empty tomb. We have have HOPE! If you are a Child of God, not mater what is going on in in your life, you can lift your eyes upward from your circumstances. God is still the same yesterday as today. He is sovereign over every moment of your life. He is always giving you a reason for rejoicing, although it may be challenging—even with eyes filled with tears. He is good—and doing great things for you and in you.
When Mary found out she was with child, she had so many reasons for concerns. She did not know how her others would perceive the news. I am sure she was worried and felt some uncertainty–but despite how she felt, she felt her creator was worthy of praise! She did not know how she would tell Joseph. What would he think? What would others think of her? How did God expect her do all this? Perhaps all these concerns she brought to Elizabeth when she stayed with her. We do not know, but what we do know—is Mary exhausted her Father with praise and worthiness. She worshiped Him in her own song. She not only felt gratitude in her own heart, but she expressed it verbally to others.
And Mary said, “My soul magnifies he Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and hold is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation….” Luke 1:46-56
She was overwhelmed, shaken, and filled with gratitude that her Holy God noticed her. She would play a part in the redemption of God’s plan—she worshipped her Creator with admiration and praise. Mary did not let her fear overwhelm her but was grateful to be used by God for His purpose and design, even if it included hardship. The Lord does great things even in difficult seasons! She willingly shared her testimony. How can you share yours this Christmas?