Home Hosting-Adoption Hosting Questions

Hosting Questions

by Alissa
  1. Question: Was it difficult with the language barrier?

A: Not really. We used a app and did hand motions. It brought a lot of laughs when it was wrong. It was time consuming, but not that big of a issue. Our host daughter couldn’t read well, but I would play it back in Russian what she said. She then would laugh and say, NO NO! Ha! Our host son was a very good reader. So good, he was reading English by the time he left! He would read what it said in the app. If it was wrong, he would correct himself quick.

  1. Question: Do you know the history of the children before they come?

A: Not really. Once you host, you may never know. It isn’t encouraged it get it out of them, but the child may voluntarily share.  Assume the kids have gone through some trauma, but don’t feel sorry for them. They need love from you. These are great kids. It is a privilege for them to come. My host kids didn’t have any friends that came to America. They need to show affection toward their teachers and have good behavior. Remember, the orphanage wasn’t this to be a good experience for the host family as well as the child.

  1. Do you have to adopt the child when you host?

A: NO!!!! Some are not even available for adoption. They are social orphans who have a parent that comes and sees them. Many of these parents can’t afford their children, so they send them to the orphanage but will visit them every few months (or once a year). This gives the hosting family a opportunity to show the child what a family is and to show them Jesus. The host family can teach them English too!

  1. Question: Can you adopt the child you host?

A: YES!!! In some cases the child is available and the child’s parental rights have been taken away. This is a great opportunity for your family to see how this child will do or fit in with your family.

  1. Question: Will having these children in our home affect my biological children?
A: First, only God knows. If you have prayed and asked God to show you or open the doors, then leave it up to Him. Have faith He will work it out. It really didn’t affect our family. The kids really want attention from the mom. But my kids were fine with it or at one point they all wanted to help me, so I had 8 helpers cleaning. (OUR HOUSE WAS CLEAN!!) So, I just trusted God. I told Randy one day, “I have spent time with all 8 kids. God provided me time to give to them. It’s a remarkable thing. “ Peter was 3 months younger than my son Dawson. He would name the boys in the family and put himself last. So, again these children want to feel a part of the family. They will begin to understand where they fit and God will reveal that. Also, we did prepare the kids and made them a part of this process! Every morning at breakfast I would ask my kids, “Who is going to show Jesus today and be a wonderful missionary?” They would all raise their hands. And of course, Peter and Olga would too! Ha!
  1. Question: Is it scary?
A: Yes! I remember calling friends for encouragement. I was on my knees praying to God. I was scared. My life changed when I saw their profiles and began praying for them. My mind never stopped thinking about them, but I still was scared. I think it is normal not knowing what is going to happens. What happens when they leave? How are we going to feel? What will we do? Only God knows YOUR story and all about you. This is a opportunity for you to trust Him and His plan. Just say YES!
  1. Question: Can you request the age and gender of kids hosting?
A: Yes! The ages for children that are aloud to come over are 7-15. The organization was great at getting to know our family and asking what ages we wanted for our family. Our hosting organization was great because they spend time with the kids and get to know them be sting organization was great because they spend time with the kids and get to know them before they come over. They also wanted to get to know us and our family.
  1. Why host when you aren’t adopting? Isn’t it hard on the kids sending them back?
A: I have been asked these questions many times. However, a life without Jesus is no life at all. There is no eternity with Him. This should be the goal. I am sure it is hard on them. But what’s hard is the end result. Not having eternal life with our Maker. These kids have no hope. The average life expectancy for an orphan is 30 years old. These children have no life skills. They don’t know how to do laundry. How to cook for themselves, when they leave the orphanage. They leave the orphanage very young. The jobs awaiting for them are prostitution and a life of crime. Those two things are the life choices many orphans make. It is hard for them to get a job. Why? Because they have no skills. They have no one that loves them. Encourages them. There have been many studies that show if a child comes over to live with a family for 5 weeks, It makes a lifelong impact. These kids know someone loves them. They know what a family is and have a desire to raise their own kids when they have their own. Once you host a child you can stay in contact with them, in most cases. Once they leave the orphanage you can still help them in different ways. Maybe God has called you to have a child come in your home to send them back in order to share the good news with those around them. Have you thought about that? Again, some cannot get adopted. How is God calling you to further His Kingdom?

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