We took a few sheep to slaughter a month ago. I never like being around for when Randy pens them up for a few days and gives them no food, in order to get them ready for the slaughtering process. But as we waited to get our meat back, it was amazing how much I thought about the lambs hanging. I wasn’t at the butcher, I never saw them, but I could only imagine what they looked like and the process to get them hung. Thinking about the sheep hanging, brought me to think about the True Lamb that died for us. Does Jesus’s death have you pondering and thinking about Him daily? His pain, His price, His devotedness to what God called Him to do? And the fact He did if for you? He HUNG on the cross it wasn’t a fast death, it was slow. He was mocked and tortured even until his last breath. God had to send him here because of the sinful world in which we live, the world He designed and was never supposed to look this way. He did it for us, so we can have eternal life with Him. We put Him on the cross because of our sins and He bore the pain and torture for us. He didn’t complain. He stayed the course and God raised Him from the dead to over came the cross. We are set free from sin because of our Savior and have the opportunity to have eternal life for those who believe in Him! The message of the cross shows so much of how much God loves us. If you don’t know who Jesus is and want to know who He is, message me! I’d love to talk to you about Our Maker that loves you and is waiting to have a relationship with you.
1 Peter 3:18 “Christ suffered for the sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but He was raised to life in the Spirit.”