When we build our home, we had a nice worker who had kids doing 4H. He was very knowledgeable into where to go to get organic chickens, sheep, and any other animals for our homestead. He led us to a man who had many dorper sheep. We chose Dorper sheep because they do well in all climates and are known for their meat. They do not have to be sheared. We started with 4 ewes (Female sheep). We were going to get a ram (Male sheep) in May so they could reproduce, but our protector of our farm passed away. God did not provide another donkey for us no matter how hard we tried. We send them to slaughter. One thing about starting a homestead is everything is trial and error. Your animals may die because of plants on your property, or they may get sick and you don’t know it in time. You learn as you go, but that’s the beauty. I believe God wants us to be lifelong learners. When we learn though homesteading, we also have learned so much about His Earth, His animals, and His Beauty.
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